Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Are You a 'Should-er' or a 'Doer'?

Here's a little mini post before next week's 'major' one. In between talking about jewelry-related topics, I may sometimes blog about business, life or other topics because, well, my interests go beyond jewelry, and I'm sure yours do too! And, remember, I said our blog was 'anything but typical'...

Today's mini post asks the question: Are you a 'should-er' or a 'doer' in life? Are you the kind of person who always says, "I should do so and so" and never gets around to it or are you the kind of person who says, "I should do so and so"
and follows through?

As a wise Vice-President taught me back in my advertising days -> When you say you're going to do something, do it.

So, are you a 'should-er' or a 'doer'? Don't answer me here; just think about it and decide what kind of person you want to be!

~ Rachel

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